
Thursday, 28 November 2019



Today we had to finish off our work on a collage. We had to create a picture with the shapes and tools in a google drawing. This is my work. I made a turtle

My next step is to put more fish in my google drawing


Class environment

Today we were told to finish off our class environment slide. We had to write negatives, positives and What now. For positives, we had to write what we are doing good in class for negatives we had to write what we are doing wrong in class for what now we had to write how to solve the problems of negatives. here is my work. I worked on this with Acasia

My next step is to write more positives and what know.

writing assessment


Today we were told to post our writing assessment on fireworks. we had to correct our writing and put it on our slide. This is my work

My next step is to write more

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Sun safety


On Tuesday we had a guest to talk about the sun her name was sherral she talked about the sun and how it can cause cancer. It was very interesting she told us white people take less time to have sunburn so they have sunburn very fast but darker skin people they have lots of time till they get sunburn she also told us what comes out of the sun the whole class replied UV and light. She also showed us some special beads when you go outside it changes color which was very beautiful here are some pictures.

                                                  My next step is to write faster

Mat manners

Mat goals

Today we created a mat manners google drawing because it is our expectations for the week we had to say the changes we need to do and the thing others need to do if your struggling this is my work.
I got this information from what I always do on the mat.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Comfort zone

Taking risks

Today we did work on our values taking risks. We had to create a mind map or a google drawing and write our comfort zone and non-comfort zone Mindmap is another tool that we use it just like google drawing but a little bit different. This is my work.

For this activity, I loved using mindmap as a tool.
We explained it together as a  class and I got this information from my experiences.

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Initiative activity

Is it Initiative

Today we created called is its initiative. We had to write is its initiative or not and there was a question and we had to answer them by choosing initiative or not here is my work.

This is my work hope you like it

are all of this initiative?

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Mindfulness activity

Strong not wrong

Today we were told to make a blog about our mindfulness activity. We had to write our strength what i think about myself and what do people think about you .This is my work.

This is my work

My next step is to put more detail.

Meeting Fanimals


Today it was an exciting day because jess,moulsen and the backstage girls came to our school. We set in classes and the people who wanted to ask question went up and asked their questions once it was done she let each class pet moulsen and get a picture of them. We were the last class to go pet moulsen and meet jess up close for a reward for waiting a long time got extra time with moulsen. We also got prizes which we will receive at the end of the day. The tv show Fanimals is about caring about different types of animals and just show general and show interest to them. These are some pictures that the teachers took.

This was an amazing opportunity we are lucky for this to happen thank you fanimals for
Making time for us. Thanks

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Smart goals

School goals

Today we were told to set our term four goals and post it on our blog. On our slide in other, we had to put in social behavior or Athletic goals this is my work.

My next step is to reach all my goals and not get distracted.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Time of my life


Today we were told to publish our work around time. We had to make each slide and put the time of our lives, here is my work.

My next step is to put more details

Tell me how I could improve with this

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Pride and Achievement

Achievements you could use

Today we were told to publish our pride and achievement activity done. we had to write something that we could improve. This is my work.

My next step is to improve with the rest of these.

Tell me what else I should improve with

Treating others

Respect others

Today we were told that we could publish anything that we haven't been given much time to finish. I decided to Publish my work on treating others this is my work.

My next step is to be more creative

Tell how i could improve on this

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Orana park

Adventure in Orana park

Yesterday we went to Orana Park for the whole day. When we got there we had our morning tea and we had started our journey through the park.  Our instructor was Elisabeth she showed us wild animals like gorillas, giraffes, tigers, lions and more. And for each animal, she told us some facts about the animals she also would say if it's endangered or not. we didn't have time to feed the giraffes which were very heartbreaking but at the end of the day everyone was happy. In orana park I have learnt of some facts about the animals . from the lions I learnt they can drink water and go without it for five days I also learnt that the female rhinoceros has a longhorn to protect their babies and I have also learned that an ostrich can run really fast but not as fast as a  cheetah and the last thing that I have learnt is a cheetah can be really hard  to find because they are camouflaged .  here are some pictures we took.

Reptiles found

Giraffes having a nice day in the  sun

 Cool rhinos Just having lunch 
Gorilla having a sleep 

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Values for linc ed

Cool values for linc ed

Today in class we had to finish our work on values for linc ed .after we finished it we had to put it in our blog. There was each slide and one of them had the values in and we had to say what we had to do to show those values this is my work.

My next step is to be more creative in this
please tell me how i can improve on this .

Asking questions

Street arts

Today in class we were told to finish off work from this week and publish it to our blog I finished off my work on asking questions. there were street arts and we had to ask a question using the five w which is who, when, what where, why and how this is my work.

My next step is to try and ask more questions as possible to anyone in my life.

please tell me how I would improve in my tasks.

Sunday, 8 September 2019

planting with whanau

Math with Miss Johnstone

Today in math we did a math work on planting with the whanau we had to do all of the questions that are based on times tables and we had to solve it.  first of all, we had to choose Manis than we had to rewai than
the last person was huia we had to solve the method on the speech bubbles .this is an example 18x4 = 72 x 3 =216 we did it like that this is a picture of the sheet planting with the whanau look like and my work. better in this 

My next step is to try and solve these problems quickly 

tell me how I could do better in this.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Numeracy T3

Numeracy reflect

Today our numeracy teacher shared us a google drawing about like our numeracy reflect and we had to say what our strategies are an example of what we have been learning what would you like to work on and some times table you know this is my work.

My next step is to do more prototecs.

I got this information form doing math every day.

tell me how I can do better in this .

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Our classroom environment

Classroom environment

Today in our homebase we were reflecting on the classroom environment we had to reflect on what we used to do every day and ways you can solve these problems this is my work.

My next step is to make more space and put more information about the classroom environment.

 Tell me how I can improve on this.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Cultural diversity day

          Cultural diversity day 

Today we were told to make make a blog about  cultural diversity day we had cultural diversity day on 22 of may 2019  we had so much fun we learned about other peoples culture's and we had  some beautiful performances  it was amazing there were lots of different flags here is a slide and we also had other foods from other country's here are some cultural diversity day.

Next time i will try my best to put the pictures int it .



In prototec we were told to show a prototec slide and for you too see how much i have done since last time we did a slide on prototec this is my work.

just saying i have done way more prototecs in this it is just when i do my prototec i run out of time in numeracy.

Next time i post on prototec slides i will put my prototec's in the slide and get enough time to do it.

gilberthorpe te ara takitini names


Today we were told to fix up our ara tu whakata school names we had to look at the board and change up our work and this is my work.

Next time i will show the teacher.

our names and places of Ara tu whakata

Ara Tu whakata names 

On Tuesday we did an assessment on Ara tu whakata names we had to move the answers to the right place and i did my best on this and i tried my best this is my work.

Next time I will try my best to get this all right.

What a hurricanes


On Monday in literacy we learned about hurricanes we had a text and question to answer from the text and I  made a slide about hurricane there were 3 main questions and we had to finish it and choose another three and there were other lots of activities.

first, we had to create a slide about hurricanes and we had to put information about hurricanes who has been in a hurricane? I know a friend that has been in a hurricane, where does a hurricane happen? in the ocean. when was the first hurricane? 1938 in Atlantic. why does a hurricane happen? Hurricanes happen when the oceans have been warmed during the summer months. what 

next, we had to  do the activities and get some answers from the text and put the five w to the blog when your finished

the third wen had to post this on your blog. I love learning about new things next time i will try and put more paragraphs in this. 

This is my work

My next step is to add more slides and be more creative.



This week our expectation is mat time today we were doing work about mat time expectations all you had to do is what you could do better about mat expectations and you also had to do it in a google doc this is my work.
My next step is to be more creative with this.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Mariana trench

This week we have been working on Mariana trench we had to create a DLO and read the text and at the bottom of the text, there were questions that we had to answer this is my work.


My next step is to put more facts in every other slide I am going to do.

I got this information from the text we read.

 Tell me how I can improve more on this slide.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019


Venngage infographic

Today we learned how to venngage. venngage is like a poster that says  you should do something right or no bullying poster and all of that  venngage is really useful if you want to do a poster instead of making a poster by hand you can use venngage to make a poster tody we made a poster about being nice online  and  this is also fun to use and this is my work.

      My next step is to do more  work on this at making the box a little bit bigger
 I got this information from Uru Manuka tell me how I can, make this look good day

Shout outs

Shout out to Miss Johnstone

Today we created a Screancastify a to shout out a person who is amazing and you had to choose to make it on a google drawing or a google slide. I did mine on a google drawing and this is my work.
Next time I will try not to speak fast and iĺl try no to be nervous

Tell me how I could improve more on this.

Monday, 5 August 2019


contribute task

Today we made a google drawing about contributing for this we had to think of some ways to contribute for home school and the community and in each section, you had to put tree examples or more and this is mine.
i like this activity because it shows what you really do at school and home and the community and I also like this because it tells people to do things on this activity. I got this information from the things I do every day. maybe next time I could put more things in here and please tell me what I could do better in this.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Te ara takitini assessment tasks

Takitini names

Today we have been told to make a blog post about the te are takitini names in this activity there are mixed up meaning about the class you just have to move them to the right one this is my activity.

   I like this activity because it makes me feel good when it says working together and all that. my next step is to learn more maori languge

how to create a quality blog post


The quality blog post

 Today we are learning about blog rubric. blog rubric helps us to do better at blogging we there is a chart that has everything to do better in blogging there will be three colors green, red-orange.  red means beginner, orange means stepping up and green means smart learner this is my slide about the blog rubric.

I have never used blog rubric before I really like because it is making my blog post improve I would like like to be in the green zone I got my sources  from uru Manuka you could say how i did this blog .

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

literacy Term 2

                                       Literacy Term 2 

Today I our home base teacher has told us to make another literacy post and saying your favorite thing in literacy and this is what I think of literacy.

Literacy is going good this year's literacy I've got a lovely and awesome literacy teacher and an awesome literacy class my literacy class are awesome, kind, pleasant, caring and funny my literacy teacher has given me lots of work and I like it and I always try my best to complete it here is an activity I did in literacy I did an activity called being big in this activity we have write  about  me going somewhere  and I saw a big giant person and we also had to write what we think about it here it
is . there is more I that I have done in literacy but won't be putting all of them here so yeah.

Dancing like the stars 2019

                                  Dancing like the stars 

Today we have been told by our teacher to make another blog post about dancing like the Stars last night we went to the Issac theatre Royal.we have been rehearsing dance for a whole term and we performed our dance last night it was amazing working with Shawn and all our class hard working has paid off there were more than a thousand people watching us I like dancing so much there were pictures taken and the DVD will be out soon and here is a picture of the dance and a  video  .

My next step is to dance and dance more.

Values Term 2

                                      Values Term 2

Today our teacher has told us to make a values blog post for our values this week our values this week is treating others you have to do an activity that is based on the values and I have a slide which I made with my friend check it out.


Sunday, 30 June 2019

Math for this term

Today we have been told to make a blog post about this terms math and what we think of it or your next step or you're what you proud of in math or what you think you should learn next this is what I think.

This term of  math was great we learnt  things like place value, prototec and kaboom and times table 2 terms math was amazing fun activities ii am proud of my math I have the best math group and the best math teacher I just love math I think next time the teacher should teach us fraction my next in math is to learn more about fraction.

five facts from wonderopolis

                            Five facts from wonderopolis

                      these are the five facts I've learned  from Wonderopolis

                          I was learning about where does the sun never set.

1. During the summer the sun does not set above the Arctic circle.

2. in Svalbard, Norway the sun never sets there from about April 19 August 23  each year

3. there are several countries with areas within or that border the arctic circle.

4. Arctic circle, the sun never rises on the day of the winter solstice usually around December 21.

5.  In actic  at night the sun shines all night but visitors find it really hard to adjust it especially at night.

Achievements for this year

                                    Achievements for this year

Today our literacy  teacher told us to make a blog post of our achievements and what we want to work on this is my work.

My achievement for this term was learning my time's table 6 and 7 the reason why I wanted to achieve this because I never knew my 6 and 7 times table and I am proud of my self because I have achieved this.

next time I need to work on more times table and to understand what I am reading.


Monday, 24 June 2019

persuasive writing

                                                                                                                       To Miss Rowland

                                                                                                                                                     Linny d

Thursday, 6 June 2019


Today we have been told to make a slogan  i made a slogan about Mcdonald  in this work we had to pick a topic any topic and write a slogan about the topic this is my work.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Persuasive ads

Angeline Vintage Font Generator Preview

This week we have been working  on persuasive ads  . there was questions on Miss rowland site you had to watch the ad and answer all the question based on that ad  but you only had to pick one  this is my work.

How did this ad persuade you ?

This ad persuade me by there favourite things .

What one was your favourite and why ?

My favourite ad was one direction i like this video because  it makes us learn more about them .

How could they have improve  the ad ?

They  could improve  their ad by making the song long so they can put more things about them in the ad .

My next step is to make more information about the ad i talk about .

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Writing in literacy.

Today in literacy  we have been told to watch a video about a scuba diver  and octopus  and to talk about it this is mine .

One day i decided to experience the see and see an octopus i went deep in the the see . I was really having  fun  under the water when i saw a octopus the animal i wanted to  see under the see i was amazed by what i was looking at   i went with my friend Brodie i  told him look it is an acsuel octopus it’s amazing  . The octopus had long brown hands  and in the inside of the octopus was pink and it has those pink things  on them like every other octopus have  after a while longer looking the at the octopus brodie said touch it i touched it when i touched it it started  sticking on me i was feeling  a little bit terrified and happy to and think the octopus was feeling good to see someone  but then he started trying to  hug me with its hands  then my friend Brodie decided to pull me out of the octopus  it was good that he pulled me out of the octopus. . After that day i told myself  next time i come see a octopus i will just look at it instead of touching it .

My next step is to get more creative.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Samoan Language week

Samoan Language week

              This week is Samoan Language week so my literacy class made a slide about samoan language week i made a slide about samoan language week here is my work.

                This is my slide hope you like it .      👍

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Numeracy week 5 Term 2

Today we have been told ton make a blog post about what you have been doing in math or what you a proud of in math . this week we have been doing  jumping the number line  Number  line is a great tool to use if there is a a problem like this  24 + ?  = 68  . i love the problem my math teacher gives me something i am proud of is i get better and better at at math with my teacher helping giving me great tools to solve my math and to also be really really good at it . my next step is to get more  problem solved and to be better at it .

Thursday, 23 May 2019

My culture's food

Dear Miss rowland My one of my culturals food is  curry chicken . curry chicken is one of my favourite food in fiji  it very nice and tasty these are the ingredient' for curry chicken.

  1. pieces.
  2. 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil.
  3. 1 Tablespoon minced garlic.
  4. 1 small yellow or white onion chopped.
  5. 2 Tablespoons yellow curry powder.
  6. 1 Tablespoon Thai red curry paste.
  7. 15- ounce coconut milk canned, full fat.
  8. ½ cup water or chicken stock optional.
When i first tried it i was ( like this is just amazing give me more give more ) we eat curry chicken we eat in christmas , birthday’s and also during death and other kind of occasions every time my dad or my mum says that we are going to have curry chicken i use to help them make curry chicken  . this makes my culture special because it is traditional and also tasty and it’s amazing . there is something that goes with curry chicken . curry chicken goes with roti and rice roti is a kind if food that i can’t really explain . i really really like my culture..everytime my mum cooks something i get nervous because of new foods i try so

when my mum made me this ( I HAVE NEVER  BEEN SO HAPPY ) i said . then my mum said shush don’t shout you’re so loud .  from that moment i said this is one of my favourite food.a

Monday, 13 May 2019

Prototec .

Angeline Vintage Font Generator Preview

Today our teacher told us to put a math blog post so I decided to put my prototec slide so far i have done 11 prototec  because we just started Numeracy.  i am in Miss johnstone's Numeracy and this is my slide.

I have enjoyed being with miss johnstone math class my favourite thing in my math class is the work given to me and miss johnstone. my next step is to complete more and more prototec.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

6 Facts about sign language

Angeline Vintage Font Generator Preview

This week in my literacy class  we were talking about sign language I did 6 Facts about sign language in a slide this is my slide.

My next step is to find out  more information about  sign language.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Object's in Maori

Angeline Vintage Font Generator Preview

In week one we did an assessment on classroom objects in maori in this activity we had to to move the picture to it's name and this is my activity.

I think my next step is to learn more and more about this.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Our cultures .

Last term we did Our cultures in this activity we had to put on our landmarks  icons  what represents my culture   and of course you had to write your name and you have to write what country are you from this is my work. my next step is to try and fit all the informations in there .

Before school expectations .

  • This week we have been taking about before school so it is like what you have to do before school and this is mine. what is do before school is this .next time I think I will put colors and some kind of details .

      Wednesday, 1 May 2019

      My Gratitude Bubbles

      This week for mindfulness we have Gratitude Bubbles  I love gratitude bubbles it helps me to love what I have.the hole thing was my favourite parts . this is my Gratitude Bubbles google drawing . my next step is to add more details and color.

      Five facts about ww1

      This week I did a slide about ANZAC facts I loved doing this because it  was interesting this is my slide about ANZAC. everyone in my literary  did this and we had to do five facts about ANZAC . my favourite fact in my slide was all five facts . my next step is to find and learn more things about WW1.

      Tuesday, 30 April 2019

      My Goals

      This week we have been talking about our goals this is my goal.

      First dance rehearsal for dancing like The stars

      Winter Flakes Font Generator Preview

      Today my class had our first dance rehearsal for dancing like the stars a guy came in called shawn he was the dance teacher he was kind and he taught us really cool moves   it was really,really fun  here is one picture and one video I am really excited for what the next moves are.